The Maslow Initiative

We are using mhon as a guide to design life-serving landscapes that integrate human needs systems and structures in absolute abundance.

An entirely new, yet familiar human habitrat.

An entirely new, yet familiar human habitrat.

An entirely new, yet familiar human habitrat.

An entirely new, yet familiar human habitrat.

Building paradise…

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The primary aim of the initiative is to establish paradise on earth in serive of all life. The organization will disband in 75y 7m 23h 12m 45s

Serving life in all its forms

How about: we build paradise.

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Serving life in all its forms

Building paradise…

Using Maslow's heirarchy of needs as a guide, we design and impliment human needs into the landscape

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Serving life in all its forms

Building paradise…

Using Maslow's heirarchy of needs as a guide, we design and impliment human needs into the landscape

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Non-negotiable Physiological needs form the basis of the primary Maslow environmental design philosophy.

Read more about our primary need focus in our manifesto:

πŸ“œ 1.1 Our Primary Needs:

πŸ§‘β€πŸŒΎ An Environmental Design Decree



A community driven, paradise making game.

The Maslow Initiative is the world's first Massive Real-time Online Multiplayer Game, where in game assets equal real world assets, with live geo updates. Check out the timeline for future updates

Maslow is a community framework and priority design system that seeks to produce sustainably in abundance the neccesities of life in the physical envoronment of the human organism, its habitat and the restoration of nature around.

But how can you get involved?

πŸ› οΈ Buy In-game Assets for Real World Use.

πŸ’΅ Donate directly to the initiative

πŸ’° Support us on Patreon

Currently available inventory:



In order to run the fastest, look where you are running. Look where you are running to, not at what you are running from.

πŸ“œ The Living Manifesto

πŸ“š Maslow Library

πŸ“œ The Theory of Human Motivation - Abraham H. Maslow

πŸ“œ On Bullshit Jobs - David Graeber

πŸ“œ Daniel Shmachtenberger - Metacrisis

πŸ“œ The Living Manifesto

πŸ“œ The Living Manifesto

πŸ“œ The Living Manifesto

πŸ“œ The Living Manifesto

πŸ“œ The Living Manifesto

Who can contribute, etc

Who we are

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Browse dozens of templates. Click, duplicate, customize.

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Browse dozens of templates. Click, duplicate, customize.

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